Friday, February 19, 2010

Cultural Integration

Hello all! I don't have anything terribly exciting to update on since Wednesday, but I figure I should post anyway. Wednesday night I went to Mathias' school play. It was about a hotel called "The Happy Dolphin" where a murder takes place and they struggle with finanical problems; Mathias was a bell boy. Obviously the play was all in Danish, so I only got what my host dad told me about it, but it's ok; I really enjoyed it anyway. Milena and Daniel, Susan's father-in-law, sister and Canadian brother-in-law came, and I really love them. Milena ranted with me about my transportation situation and advised me not to pay the fine, just to keep fighting it until they gave up. Daniel suggested telling them I was American and would sue them, but I laughed that suggestion off.
Even though I couldn't understand a word of what was going on, it was a great opportunity to observe some cultural differences. For one thing, during the internmission, they sold food and drinks like any school in the US might. BUT they also sold BEER! AND, true to Danish tradition, they had candles all over the school. I shouldn't have to tell you all that this is something that would never happen in the US. Fire and beer at a school sanctioned event? No way. I also decided that the Danes have absolutely no reservations about mocking anything and everything that moves. This particular play happened to mock American culture. There was one scene where they made fun of "America's Got Talent" with really terrible and ridiculous talents. They also depicted the FBI/CIA as...well...jerks who just came in and took over the whole situation. Their entrance, strangely, was essentially a mock America's Best Dance Crew, complete with flips, glow glasses, and ghetto swagger.
Thursday I had class and a field study for my cancer class. We went to Rigshopitalet to look at prepared slides of cancerous tissue. I have never been soooo excited to see a microscope in my life, because I actually really miss lab, as excited as I was to have a semester off from it. After looking at slides we went up to the pathology department to see preserved cancerous organs. We had to guess what the diseases were, which was actually very difficult because sometimes it was actually very difficult to decide what organ we were even looking at because of the way they were cut. It was a very interesting field study, and I really enjoyed it. Afterwards I sprinted to DIS through the heavily falling snow and over the dangerously slippery cobblestones because I was late to my Nordic Mythology class representative meeting, but when I got there it was already over! So much for that!
Today I had two classes and afterwards I walked around Strøget looking at the shops and met up with Joey to hang out for an hour or so before she headed off to Amsterdam for the weekend. When I headed home I ran into a transportation nightmare. Something was seriously wrong with the trains, and long story short it took me well over an hour and 40 minutes to get home, which is easily double the time it normally takes. The train was delayed even more when we had to wait for the police to come and escort a drunk person off the train. But I finally made it home safe and sound and now it is time to relax! Godt aften!

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