Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Short Tour: Day One

Hello everyone! This past weekend I went on my short study tour around Denmark, so I think it's best to break it down day by day.
Thursday: We met the bus as Frue Plads at 8:30 am, and managed to get on the road pretty quickly. We spent the first day in Odense, and we had two lectures at Syddansk Universtity (Southern Denmark University), though in different "campuses". Our first one was at the Medical Biotechnology Center, where Uffe Holmskov spoke about the research they were doing on using biotechnology and biomedicine to try to prevent atherosclerosis (which, for all you non-science people, is the build up of cholesterol and such in the arteries to form the plaques that cause heart attacks). The facilities were really nice, and we got to see some of the labs afterwards. The building won some kind of award for its design, and unlike a lot of labs, it was full of natural light, which keeps the researchers happy.
Our second lecture was given by Jesper Wengel about LNA. I have to admitt, I was really tired for that and had a hard time staying awake. It blew my mind a little, and I will definitely have to study it on my own to fully understand. After our lecture, we once again got a tour of the facilities. We had to wear safety glasses, which is probably the most at home I have felt since I've been here. It has been really strange not to have a lab, and honestly (I never thought I would say it), but I MISS IT. This is a good sign, I guess, since I do want to do research.

This is the machine that makes DNA sequences! So cool!

HPLC. How I love and miss you.
After our tour of the lab, which was maybe even more impressive than the Medical Center, we went to our hostel in Odense, which was much nicer than I was expecting.

The room

The view
After we were all settled in, I hung out with Joey for a while then we wandered around the town. I found the bed that if I could do childhood over again, I would have to have. In all seriousness, I want this bed for my future children because it is so cool.

It's a treehouse! No, it's a bed! No, it's a treehouse bed!
After wandering around town, we met up with our respective groups and went to a restaraunt called "The Ugly Duckling" (well, actually it's called Den Grimme Ælling, but that's the translation). Obviously this is for the fact that H.C. Andersen wrote "The Ugly Duckling" and he was born in Odense.

"The Ugly Duckling"
Right after dinner we walked to the Carl Nielsen Orchesta Hall/Museum (he was a famous composer, who was also born in Odense) for an orchestra concert. It was pretty nice and made me really miss band. :(

That really cool restaurant by night!

The orchestra
After the orchestra concert we were all pretty exhausted, since it had been a pretty long day, but we rallied and managed to all hang out as a program. It was a great bonding experience, but we turned in pretty early...but not without event. The beds had these little lamps next to them, so naturally Gillian and I tried to make them work. I was a little more persistent, and when when I turned the switch it made this little pop sound and the lights all went out. Turns out it blew a fuse, not only for our room but for some of the others as well. We had to finish getting ready in the dark and we had to get ready in the morning in the dark. Luckily, I brought my little wind up flashlight, so we were able to manage well enough. This post is getting super long, so I think I will break up the rest of the trip by day.

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