Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"This is you know him?"

Short Study Tour: Day 3
Hej to all my faithful followers! Sorry I have not posted in such a long time, but it seems that every time I actually have free time I am either using it to explore or I am really exhausted, so this post is kinda late, but better late than never.
So on the morning of our third day of the study tour we discovered that our hostel was actually the headquarters of the German occupation in Denmark during WWII. The lodge was actually THE headquarters and right across from it still stands a bunker, which we completely missed when we arrived since it was dark. So the first thing we did was get a tour of the bunker, which housed a museum of the Danish resistance (however weak it was) and German occupation. This cute old Danish man gave us the tour and seemed to think we didn't know anything about WWII. At one point he showed us a picture of Hitler and asked if we "knew him". I know none of us are history majors or anything, but if we didn't know who Hitler was, I think we would have serious issues.

the bunker

After we were done at the bunker we packed it up and started our long journey back to Copenhagen. Thankfully DIS is really smart about traveling and they broke up the trip with a stop to Koldinghus, which was a castle in Kolding used when the kings of Denmark (especially Christian the Fourth, who it seems built practically everything nice in Denmark) visited the parts of Germany that they USED TO own, known as the dutchies. The castle was burnt down accidently when some Spaniards that were helping Denmark in some war (which I don't remember the details of) built up the fire too much and it got out of control. It has since been restored, and it was nice to stop and see it. We also had the opportunity to see some of the town as well.


Kolding from the top of the tower

Koldinghus from the courtyard

After exploring the castle a little bit, we ventured out into the town, but not for long. It was so cold that our group all sought refuge in a Fotex (its like pharmacy, clothing, food, bakery all rolled into one) to keep warm for the remaining half hour.

I forget the exact year this was built, but it was sometime in the 1500's. Danish?

After our adventures in Kolding we went to this place for lunch. Here's something you need to know about DIS if you are considering going abroad. A) You will have a lot of really cool study tours and field trips which will bring you to places you would never get to go on your own. Amazing opportunities there. And B) DIS feeds you VERY well. Take a look:

the food

the restaurant
This dish is called "shooting star" in Danish and is a very traditional Danish open faced sandwich. This was our lunch, and I was so full and content afterwards. I am thoroughly impressed with the way that DIS takes care of its students. You get the perfect mix of academics and cultural visits on these study tours, and you are even fed well and put up in really nice hostels. I would not hestitate to recommend DIS to anyone!
Anyway, enough with the shameless plugs. After our delicious meal, we hit the road and drove straight on to Copenhagen. We watched Good Will Hunting on the ride back, so it actually went by really quickly. PLUS our great study tour leaders, Jackie and Staci, bought us flødeboller in Koldinghus to eat on the way back, which are those marshmellow filled things I told you about during the first week. They are so delicious, but I heard that they explode if you try to fly with them, so I am not so sure I will be able to bring any back, unfortunately. :(
So that was the end of our short study tour! We are going on our long study tour to London in a week and a half, and I am so excited!
Hej hej!

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